Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm Coming Out!

Well, I can't believe I am about to put myself waaay out there, but I am.  Since I was little I have always been drawn to body building. Why? I guess because of the discipline it takes to achieve a body that is so cut and detailed like that and the amazement of what the body is capable of doing. Plus, it is totally exhausting holding those poses. Did you know that body builders really are not as strong as they look while in competition training? Yep, they are actually pretty weak. They eat mostly protein diet to build muscle mass so they are just scary enough that you won't mess with them but they really are not that powerful.  Now, I do have a preference when it comes to body building. The ONLY divisions I enjoy are the men and women divisions of lightweight, middleweight and heavy weight men and the bikini for women. I'm not impressed with the like super heavy weight men body builders. They are just so big it's scary, to get that big you have to be taking a lot of different stuff to make your body grow outside of it normal capacity and I don't like that. I like the ALL NATURAL lifters! The women in heavy weight don't even look like a woman anymore so that's all I'm going to say about that.

With all that being said I have set my next physical/mental goal to enter an amateur lightweight/bikini division competition in the summer of 2013! Yes, you read it right! My goal is to enter a body building competition! Why? Glad you asked. 
1) Because it has ALWAYS been a dream of mine to be a body builder. I wanted to when I was younger but was told it was unattractive and I would not look like a women and I had to take steroids and men wouldn't like me. So I buried that dream as a secret. Since I am healing me from the inside and building better self esteem about myself I am going for MY DREAM of being oiled up and flexing my muscles! I will achieve this goal ALL Natural! that means No supplements,drugs enhancements of ANY sort just PURE HARD WORK!

2) Not only am I living out my dream as a body builder but it will be MY FIRST TIME EVER IN A BIKINI!!  For that matter a TWO PIECE!!! So I figure why kill two birds with one stone and come out PROUD, CONFIDENT, FIT, MUSCULAR and IN A BIKINI all greased up and strut my stuff across a stage in front of judges and people I don't know and I will hopefully NEVER see again and Pose.Flex. Smile.

3) Discipline. The mental focus it will take on me and my ambition and determination to accomplish what I set out to do! To learn and become more disciplined. The discipline part is not only benefiting my physical and mental state but my spiritual as well. To stay focused on God and the Ancestors path and lessons in store for me. to lean on them when I need help and support and believing in me and what can happen when you listen and follow instructions.

I have no ambition to win or place. My ambition is to reach competition weight and body definition and that's it! I'm not looking to make this a career or enter further competitions(as of yet) just a one time do it and I'm done. Reach my goal. Now don't get me wrong if I win or place I will be SO PROUD I probably will lose my everlasting mind! :-)TING!

I have enlisted the help from the trainers at the William Wells Brown Community Center to help me achieve this goal. And let me tell you they have been breaking a sister down,challenging and encouraging me and pushing me to keep going saying and I quote "this is what you wanted and we are going to get you right and where you need to be!" Thank you Marvin,Willie and Robbie! Laugh Out Loud at one point Marvin said, 
" That's what you get for trying to be G.I. Jane now let's go" Then I had to think that's cool cause in the end G.I. Jane kicked ass! 

So here is the putting myself out there part. I am now going to post my before pictures of my body and let you guys and gals go on this transformation with me! Let me tell you NOW!!! These pictures ARE NOT authorized to be REPRODUCED OR ALTERED AND ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM! NOR ARE THEY TO BE CUT AND PASTED OR USED FOR ANY OTHER MEANS THAN WHAT I HAVE INTENDED THEM FOR! 

So with that being said here are my before pictures taken November 8,2012 weighing in at 167 pounds this is what I look like without cloths! :-) NOTE: NONE OF MY PREVIOUS WEIGHT LOSS PHOTOS HAVE BEEN PHOTO SHOPPED NOR WAS I WEARING ANY FORM SHAPING UNDERGARMENTS with the exception to the evening wear photo I did have on Spanx to finish off that FABULOUS LOOK! :-)

Now here are pictures just after two weeks of training. I was instructed to hold off on cardio for two weeks so I could strength train and if you know me that bout made me change my mind I LOVE my zumba and aerobics! But after seeing these picture I am happy I chose to stick with it!

I will share more picture one month from now and see how I have progressed!