Diving straight in on this one! We self sabotage ourselves when we don't see the changes we "think" we should be seeing at some point in our weight loss journey. We say to ourselves "I have been at this for two weeks now I should see something." STOP fooling yourself, it's not going to happen that fast! You didn't gain 30 pounds in two weeks it's not coming off that fast either. A pound or so a week is good, although don't give up because you haven't lost.
We start manifesting these negative thoughts that, " I should have lost at least 3 pounds already! I'm doing everything right. I'm eating right,I'm working out, I'm determined, I have prayed and mediated on it and nothing is happening? Why?" You start looking at other people working out as well and say, " Such and such is losing all kinds of weight and we are doing the same workout plan." Guess what? Such and Such's plan may not be "YOUR" plan! Their calorie intake is different from yours. Their muscle mass and body structure is different from yours. Their metabolism is different from yours. YOU ARE DIFFERENT!
You CAN NOT base your success goals off someone else's path! DON'T SABOTAGE your efforts based off what someone else is doing. Your path is your path and you can ONLY do what works for you! Just as they can not walk your path.
Take some time to get to know your body pay attention to how it reacts to the things you are doing with eating and movement. Kristie Allen said it best when she was on the Dr. Oz show and said that she noticed she lost more weight on a lower amount of calories than she did when she increased her calorie intake. You and your body need to reacquaint yourselves. Your body is this awesome vessel that will alert you to the things it needs to survive. When you get sick you feel tired, you may cough and your body may ache. It is alerting you that something is wrong. When you are hungry your stomach will growl saying it needs nourishment. Trick here is to NEVER let your stomach growl! Eat 6 small healthy meals a day approximately every two to four hours that way your stomach doesn't growl and you don't overeat or eat the unhealthy "quick grab" foods. When you have muscle cramps that's your body alerting you that you are either dehydrated or need more potassium. As Beyonce' sings in her song entitled "Me,Myself and I" " It's just me,myself and I and from now on I'ma be my own best friend." Become YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND! No one should know you better than YOU, besides the good Lord himself. When you become one with yourself it's a little harder in my opinion to sabotage yourself. Why? Because you know and understand your capabilities and your limitations. You accept and seek to improve your weaknesses and fine tune your strong attributes. You want the BEST for you? Well, the BEST requires you to love you, your time for you and your very best effort! Once you get to moving you will not allow anyone which includes YOU or anything to cause you to settle for less.
Keep this in mind, negative manifested thoughts bring about negative energy, which draws negative actions from within and around you. So you start with the negative thought from within,"This ain't working! I don't care,I'm good with how I look (lying to yourself)." So then comes the negative action around you, someone comes along and says," I thought you've been working out, what happened you stopped going to the gym? I don't see a change." Or they say. " I don't see how you afford those gym fee, or zumba fees?" or maybe it's "Where you getting all this time and money to do this stuff?" My favorite is " You should just be happy with how God made you." Reality check. God DID NOT create me to be unhealthy! My body is a temple wherein I should treat it as such. Which means, any respectable, honorable person would not walk into a spiritual building and show ANY amount of disrespect that is not pleasing to their God. So, why would you disrespect the same building ( your body) that was created by God to house your soul? You wouldn't and shouldn't.
Trust me I used to say that "God made us all different and different body shapes and sizes." This is so true and will always be true. Here is where the fault in that logic lies, when we try to apply it to our unhealthy lifestyles. You just sabotaged yourself with that thought process! No, we all won't and can't be a size 0,6,8 or 12. We won't or can't all have firm booties with thick thighs and a pretty face, but we CAN ALL have healthy, happy bodies,souls and self-esteem! Reality is, I am never going to have a J-Lo booty and she will never have my smile. Why? Because she is Jennifer Lopez and I AM Shuntella Sweat-Whitfield. I AM who I AM in ALL my GREATNESS! Me saying this is not me being conceited or egotistical, it is me recognizing,accepting and believing in the person God made me to be.
I will be the first to tell you, I have my days when I look at women and wish I was that small, but I quickly come back to reality and realize... I'm good just the way I am. I am putting my best effort into me and doing what needs to be done to keep AND maintain my healthiness and I'm PROUD! Please Note: Just because she is a size 0,6,8 or whatever DOES NOT mean she is healthy! That's just good genes and a good metabolism. :-) She may not be able to run or walk a half a mile let alone do a sit-up or push up, but yet you at a size 8,10,12+ can run that half mile and then some and do 20 sit-ups! Don't sabotage yourself on others outward appearance. Realize this, You don't have to be "As Good" as anyone else you HAVE to be YOU everyday ALL day!
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