Wednesday, May 1, 2013

God's Plan: All In Preparation

Over a year ago I started this weight loss journey and it wasn't easy and still isn't. Although, I was very determined that I was going to make it happen. Determination is one of the fine qualities I love about myself. When I make up my mind to do something, nothing and no one is going to stop me! Not even my health :-) I must admit that determination can turn into and be viewed as being hard headed but hey, I got goals to reach and I can't let stuff stand in my way, right? It has now been two weeks since my pacemaker surgery and I feel GREAT! I mean I felt the difference as soon as the pain went away. I feel even more vibrant and like I can take on the world! That is when Dr. Lamiy takes me off these darn restrictions! lol.

I went in for my post op check up yesterday. Dr. Lamiy was very pleased with how I was healing and I should have very little scarring. My pacemaker is functioning as it should. They did a little adjusting to the rhythm and I could feel it beating (weird feeling)but, Dr. Lamiy said it was normal and I would get used to it and I have. My restrictions are STILL in place. NO zumba, aerobics, weight lifting,running or vigorous activities.:-( Although I did get him to give in to walking to a light jog. :-)

 Today I finally got back into the gym! I went Monday all excited and dressed ready to see Purple Rain, Marvin, Mrs. Vanessa and Get It In! but, when I got there at 5:55pm they told me they were closing early at 6pm! Not happy. I missed Tuesday because I was trying to teach my 11 year old son and 13 year old daughter how to cut grass, since that is considered a vigorous activity I can't. So, I make it today at 5:30pm and there is a note they are closing at 6:30pm! What! Really? Mind you William Wells Brown Community Center gym normal hours are 5-9pm Monday -Friday. Different stuff going on so the director decided to close the weight room early :-( Anyway, I got in there and got on that treadmill and set it on 30 minutes, Leg shaper mode, Level 5 with incline adjusting between 1.5-6, speed on 4(which is a nice fast pace)and I got to movin'!!! I can't put into words how wonderful it felt to workout. I was literally starting to get depressed because I felt good and was restricted. I completed my workout on the treadmill with these numbers:
30 minutes 
2.05 miles walked
245 calories burned 
  Then, with 15 minutes left until the gym closed I got on the stationary bike and did;
Level 8, hills 
58 calories burned 
2.8miles rode 
 Woot!Woot! I feel GREAT! I can't wait to go back tomorrow!

 I have had a lot of time to sit and think about things and reflect. What I understand now is this, that year of weight loss and losing 72 pounds and healing from the inside out was all in God's plan. Over a year ago I wasn't in a healthy place at all. But, through spiritual healing through the drum with Joan and then the physical healing through zumba,running etc. it was preparing my body for what it was about to undertake on April 17, 2013.

 God knew what I needed to do beforehand to get ready for this moment. The spiritual was to prepare my mind and believe and know God was going to bring me through and to loose my ego and pride so that I could allow friends and family to help me and even to be strong enough to cope with those that haven't been there like I thought they would be,Oh well.

 Physically, the running,zumba,aerobics and weight lifting was preparing my body for a quick and healthy recovery. I recently posted on my Facebook status that "I wish I knew and understood God's plan for me. It would make it so much easier to accept and understand." I didn't know then but I understand God's plan now!

 Thank you God. Thank You Universe. Thank you My Enlightened Ancestors for your love, support and guidance through this all!

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