So, I took the picture on the left last year and the picture on the right this year. I have picked some weight huh? How about 15pounds! It's the same size 8 dress that zippens in the back(it zipped without any problems and as you can see didn't squeeze into it). I am currently weighing in at 178 pound. I was around 160 something in the other picture.
How do I feel about seeing these photos side by side? At first, I was hurt,disappointed in myself and I felt F-A-T. My initial thought was,"Oh my God I'm getting fat again. I have fallen off. Oh I bet some people are seriously enjoying this." But, I had to let that all go. I am a curvey,beautiful,intelligent,happy,healthy woman! I love my thick thighs,little butt and curvey body. I could do without the stomach though! The good news about my stomach is, my stomach and thighs have broken up! What does that mean? It means, while standing my stomach NO LONGER touches my thighs! New goal is to have that happen while I am sitting! :-).
The weight loss journey is not an easy journey by any means. It is very easy to fall off and gain the weight loss plus some back. This is why the journey MUST be a lifestyle change. The change that happened in my life of working two jobs and being a mom has kindof hindered me from going to the gym everyday like I used to. Although, I am teaching Zumba 4days a week which is my cardio workout, but I miss running and lifting weights
I have had to rely on my eating to sustain my weight. Weight loss and maintaining your weight is 80% of what you eat and exercise is 20% of your lifestyle change.
I LOVE the body I am in and will continue to love and cherish it. I have promised myself to NEVER reach 232pounds ever again. So, I will continue to eat healthy and exercise because I can't afford to buy new clothes!
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