Let me be the first to keep it 100% REAL with you. First,
Vanzant says it best," It is unhealthy to hold yourself back to make others feel comfortable". Trust when I tell you, you will find out real quick and in a hurry who your REAL friends and Supporters are. That's GOOD because then you can REMOVE the negative energy from your life so that you can keep moving forward. Secondly, DON'T DOUBT YOURSELF! STOP putting negative thoughts in your head that you can not achieve what it is you set out to do! Speak and Do positive things and you will reap positive results. No, they may not come as fast as you will like them to but like the old saying goes," Anything worth having you have to work hard for." Be determined to reach your goal,NO ONE can do this but YOU. It didn't take a few weeks to put the weight on, IT'S NOT going to take a few weeks to get it off! Set small attainable goals for yourself and GO FOR IT! If you fall short, it's cool keep going, you know you have been working your ass off to reach that goal just gotta push harder and dig deeper to reach it. Once you do, you will experience the MOST satisfying feeling that can't be put into words. I cry,dance around like a plum fool and give Thanks to GOD and The Ancestors for guiding me one more time and supporting me spiritually at each goal I hit.
Me,Lemeka and Sarah before the 3K |
After completing the Urban Mountain Challenge I set myself another goal. I wanted to run a 3K which is just 1.86 miles. So, I registered in February 2012 for the Lexington Shamrock Shuffle. People were beginning to ask what I was doing to loose the weight and when you tell them the hard physical work you HAVE to do some back down real quick. I invited friends to join in this 3K goal and two took me up on it! Those two would be Lemeka and Sarah. Lemeka agreed to do it ONLY if we could walk not run it. Sarah could only walk it because she was recovering from a broken foot. I wanted to get my friends involved in just moving so I agreed to walk the Shamrock Shuffle with them! I wasn't trying to win the race and honestly I wasn't physically at a point to run 1.86 miles. So I amended my goal to completing a 3K. Same result just a different way of achieving the goal. That Saturday morning of March 17,2012 we met in front of Desha's restaurant and got our walk on. That was one of
THE PROUDEST moments in this whole journey! I was getting the
people I loved involved and I was completing yet ANOTHER goal!
Words can not express how happy I was to be achieving another goal and this time
WITH my friends.
BLESSED I tell ya! I have had THE GREATEST supporters a girl could ask for! I
NEVER dreamed for one second that My Journey would be inspiring anyone else. I was on this "I'm healing me" journey. As I kept going and reaching goals, setting new ones and coming into work sore as all outdoors and people laughing with me because I was walking funny from working out people started wanting to workout WITH me and wanted to know what I was doing. I am STILL amazed by it all. That "lil Shuntella" as I'm called at work now was inspiring others. What? WOW!! SURE! If God says this is my purpose then who am I not to fulfill it! Next goal run a 5K! OVERDRIVE BABY!
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