Friday, October 26, 2012

No Trick Tips For Losing Weight.

  1. LOVE YOURSELF! In ALL your gorgeous beauty from the inside out.
  2. Come to terms as to WHY you eat the way you do and your lack of motivation.
  3. Change your eating habits. Cook at home more with FRESH vegetables and fruits. 
  4. Watch your portions , even overeating of the GOOD stuff can be bad!
  5. Find a workout that you ENJOY and is FUN! This ensures that will more than likely STICK with it. 
  6. Set small goals to achieve within a reasonable time frame (2-3 months).
  7. Set Long term goals.
  8. DO NOT take on several healthy small goals at ONE TIME! i.e. Stop smoking,lose weight and stop drinking soda. That's Self Sabotage if you do this!
  9. DON'T be so hard on yourself. You CAN DO THIS! You will have setbacks and plateaus work through it. YOU GOT THIS! Remember how much YOU LOVE YOU SOME YOU!
  10. Go at YOUR own pace. Don't think you're coming out the running block at full throttle, Nope ain't gonna happen. Do what you CAN DO then increase as you get better and healthier.
  11. PUSH yourself! Challenge yourself! Be your own Superhero/She-Ro!
  12. Look cute from the neck down! You have to PUT IN THE WORK to see results! That means STOP worrying about sweating your relaxer out or running your make-up. A Sweat Funky woman is a SEXY woman!
  13. Use your haters as your MOTIVATORS! Nuff said.
  14. DON'T get complacent. When certain workouts become easy with little to no effort needed, TAKE IT UP A NOTCH or find something NEW and FUN to do.
  15. DON'T let the cost of purchasing a new wardrobe stop you! Wear what you have til it is literally "falling off" you! Buy a belt and put holes in it as you shrink! :-) Ladies invest in the fashionable big belts to accessorizes those tops and dresses. Then reward yourself with a FEW new pieces( I suggest Goodwill or Consignment shops til you get to your goal/stable weight) because you are STILL going hard and losing!
  16. Just because the scale number isn't dropping doesn't mean you're not losing! Your body is still burning fat and you may be losing inches. If you plateau try adjusting your calorie intake(up or down) or shock your body into a new routine (add something different and FUN).
  17. STAY OFF THE SCALE SO MUCH! another self sabotage. Maybe weigh yourself once a week to every two weeks.
  18. Believe in you! It's not selfish. It's not being conceited or egotistical to PUT YOU FIRST. If you don't love and believe in you NO ONE else will either.

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