Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Painful but worth it!

Yesterday's work out numbers 11/18/13:
4sets of 5 assisted pull ups
5sets of 10 squats with 25pound weight.
Elliptical for 20minutes
2.64 miles
Level 3
285calories burned

After two days of doing my nemesis of pull ups it HURTS and is VERY difficult to raise my arms above my head! My biceps hurts. My deltoids and triceps(shoulder and arm muscles) hurt. My latissimus dorsi (back muscles around rib area) hurts. My thighs hurt so bad it is difficult to stand up! I woke up this morning at 5am holding my ribs and cursing. I know this will all pay off when I get that beautiful V in my back! Not to mention the definition in my arms and it help strenghten my abdominal muscles.
 I honestly can't wait til I can do them alone. Practice makes perfect! If there is no pain, then I'm not working hard enough!
My poor trainer Willie had to listen to me whine about my hands hurting from the four callouses I now have! Plus, I was whining about how painful and hard it was to pull myself up and then having to go back down. Willie was just there to help assist me back up. He laughed at me but let me know he has assisted grown men doing pull ups! My daughter was laughing but yet saying "you can do it mommy!" She took the pictures. I tell you what as much as I wanted to give up I had to keep going because I didn't want to throw in the towel while she was there what kind of example would that set for her? But I tell you I'm feeling it today!  I'M PROUD OF MYSELF!
I took today off but I will be back at it tomorrow! No rest for those whom wish to compete in the NPC physique division next year! GO HARD!

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